Rafa, from the Canal Sur program "The Scale" has already lost just over 16 kilos. He has achieved it in a healthy way in just 12 weeks.
If you want to know more diets to lose weight, you may be interested in:
His initial weight was 127.5 kilos and his body mass index of 39, that is to say he had a grade II obesity. Currently, after 3 months eating better and doing sports, weighs 111.2 kilos. This corresponds to a body mass index of 33, that is, a grade I obesity.
Your healthy weight starts from 82 kilos and the remaining 45 kilos you have already managed to lose 16. No matter what kilos you have left over, it's never too late to start taking care of yourself.
No matter how much weight you have, your health begins to improve from the moment you start eating healthier. Improves by avoiding ultraprocessed products and returning to natural, proximity and food you make yourself. If, like Rafa, you fight against the tendency to obesity, exercising and increasing your muscle mass, the battle against your excess weight is numbered days.
It doesn't matter if dates are coming when you eat more. Throughout the year you will always have celebrations, dinners with friends, family meals ... The important thing is that you are aware that your body is not a bottomless bag. And what we do happens to us.
Eating uncontrollably and especially, low quality products, not only affects our weight, it also affects our brain, our mood, our organs ... If you want to eat more, do it occasionally, but always take care of the Quality of what you eat.
And to show you that eating well and losing weight is possible, I copy a week of Rafa's menus.
As always, I remind you that it is not that you copy the week hard. Take ideas to develop your menus, adapting them to your tastes and needs.
His initial weight was 127.5 kilos and his body mass index of 39, that is to say he had a grade II obesity. Currently, after 3 months eating better and doing sports, weighs 111.2 kilos. This corresponds to a body mass index of 33, that is, a grade I obesity.
Your healthy weight starts from 82 kilos and the remaining 45 kilos you have already managed to lose 16. No matter what kilos you have left over, it's never too late to start taking care of yourself.
No matter how much weight you have, your health begins to improve from the moment you start eating healthier. Improves by avoiding ultraprocessed products and returning to natural, proximity and food you make yourself. If, like Rafa, you fight against the tendency to obesity, exercising and increasing your muscle mass, the battle against your excess weight is numbered days.
It doesn't matter if dates are coming when you eat more. Throughout the year you will always have celebrations, dinners with friends, family meals ... The important thing is that you are aware that your body is not a bottomless bag. And what we do happens to us.
Eating uncontrollably and especially, low quality products, not only affects our weight, it also affects our brain, our mood, our organs ... If you want to eat more, do it occasionally, but always take care of the Quality of what you eat.
And to show you that eating well and losing weight is possible, I copy a week of Rafa's menus.
As always, I remind you that it is not that you copy the week hard. Take ideas to develop your menus, adapting them to your tastes and needs.
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Tostada de pan con tomate y jamón serrano Té verde | Un yogur natural y 4 almendras | Aliño de remolacha Filete de pollo a la plancha Una rebanada de pan Un plátano | Una manzana y 3 nueces | Espárragos rehogados con una patata Rosada a la plancha Una manzana | 2 horas de cardio y natación |
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Tostada de pan con tomate y jamón serrano Café con leche | Un yogur natural y 3 nueces | Ensalada de espinacas Hamburguesa de pollo a la plancha Una rebanada de pan Una mandarina | Un vaso de leche con 3 nueces | Menestra de verduras con una patata cocida Lomo de cerdo a la plancha Una manzana | 2 horas de cardio y natación |
Tostada de pan con tomate y atún Café con leche | Una manzana con 4 nueces | Ensalada Guiso de lentejas Una naranja | Un plátano y 2 almendras | Revuelto de judías verdes y jamón serrano Una rebanada de pan Una pera | 1 hora de cardio |
Tostada de pan con tomate y pechuga de pavo Café con leche | Una manzana y 4 almendras | Ensalada Una tapa de pluma ibérica Una rebanada de pan Una pera | Un yogur natural y una mandarina | Crema de calabaza y calabacín Salmón a la plancha Una rebanada de pan Uvas | 1 hora de cardio |