There are stories that are an inspiration to curvy girls, and this is one of them. A teenage bullying victim took a radical turn in her life when she dropped 63 kilos for graduation and became an Instagram star.
At 16, Josephine Desgrand was the target of teasing and attacks because his weight exceeded 127 kilos. According to the BoredPanda portal, this profoundly affected his self-esteem, as he compared his plus size body with that of thin girls and models.
Josie, as she is called affectionate, knew that her overweight was the result of poor diet. She said that when she tried to follow diets she ended up getting frustrated and fell back on big binge-eating junk food. However, as if it were a movie, one day he couldn't take it anymore and decided to change his situation.
“I went into my room, put on underwear and said to myself:‘ I don't want to be fat Josie anymore, ”Desgrand said. At that time he took several photos of his body and promised himself to change.
“I was excited for my next weight loss plan. I used a tape measure and wrote down my measurements, ”he said, adding that“ I wanted to track each change, no matter how small it was. ”
His transformation began that day, and in order not to lose motivation, he began to document each step and even his father joined him to lose weight together.
The first change was to adopt a diet low in carbohydrates and without sugar, in addition to increasing your water consumption. "It set small goals and noted my progress," he says. In a few months, just with the diet, Josie lost almost 30 kilos.
Her great achievement encouraged her to enroll in a gym to tone her body and reaffirm her skin before it became a pendant. "Exercising in the gym gave me an additional boost to reach my ideal weight," he said.
He also remembered the phrase that was repeated as if it were a mantra: "I will no longer be the fat Josie."
To encourage you, the young woman opened an Instagram account to share her progress and her secrets. As she was used to criticism, she thought she would receive negative comments but it was quite the opposite: hundreds of people began to follow her and give her support.
“I shared my meals and progress on my Instagram account. My followers grew rapidly, and each one was more supportive than the previous one: ‘You look great!’, They wrote to me, ”said Desgrand.
A year after that day he stood in front of the mirror, Josephine had his movie moment. Weighing 63 kilos, she put on a tight red dress and went to her prom to wear it in front of the whole school.
Now, Josie has 47.6 thousand followers on Instagram and thousands more on Facebook. His new goal is to support others who are going through the same. “I want to help as many people as I can. Thanks to the support I have received in networks, I have never thought of leaving my way, ”he said.
"Now I want to be the impulse to help people recover, because everyone deserves to feel as happy as I am now," concluded the young woman, who is writing a book with her experience.