This is the secret with which she lost 80 KILOS! ★★★★☆ 3571 REVIEWS:
Amber Rose is a 24-year-old woman who shows that nothing is impossible to fulfill the dreams we have. Her case is really inspiring because Amber lost nothing more and nothing less than 80 kilos in an incredible way, so today we will share her story and the secrets with which she accomplished this feat.
Amber Rose says that when she wanted to go on vacation she used to buy two tickets because she necessarily had to use two seats to sit quietly, since her 160 kilos did not allow her to afford to go in one seat.
The experience was so bad that going on vacation became a drama for her because putting on her bathing clothes was very complicated because of her appearance and the appearance never went unnoticed.
She made the decision to lose weight when asked if she was pregnant, that was the drop that spilled the glass and prompted her to diet and exercise.
"One day, a friend posted a picture where I was at a buffet table and I was horrified, I couldn't believe it was the one in the picture. I knew it was big, but that woman looked huge," said Amber.
"After this I lost a bit of weight quite quickly, but I felt humiliated again when a stranger approached me one night and asked me how many months I was pregnant," he continued.
Amber stopped eating at fast food establishments and had surgery to remove excess skin.