Baked Sweet Potato with Vegetables
Hi friends! Today we are going to prepare: Sweet Potato with Baked Vegetables. If you like this recipe, don't miss the Melting Sweet Potatoes recipe, you'll love it!
We share a recipe with seasonal foods, super healthy and perfect for those weeks when we don't have time to cook, but we want to eat healthy.
This recipe is perfect for 3 people. It is low in calories and it will not take you more than 20 minutes to prepare it and then you will have to bake it for half an hour.
We love to teach you seasonal recipes, since we make sure you eat fresh food and it is also a more respectful consumption with the environment and with local commerce.
For this reason, the protagonist of this recipe is the Sweet Potato, which is perfect for fall. It is very healthy, as it is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium, as well as antioxidants and good quality proteins.
Ingredients for Baked Sweet Potato with Vegetables for 3 people
Ingredients for the sweet potatoes
Sweet potato - 1 large piece
Carrots - 3 pcs.
Zucchini - 1 pc.
Green pepper - 1 pc.
Broccoli - 1 large head
Olive oil - 2 to 3 tablespoons
Ingredients for the seasoning mix
Smoked pepper - 1 pc.
Thyme - to taste
Cayenne pepper - to taste
Oregano - to taste
Salt to taste
White pepper powder - to taste
How to make the Baked Sweet Potato with Vegetables recipe
The first thing we will do is peel and dice our main ingredients in this recipe: the sweet potato.
Then we cut the carrots into more or less thick slices.
We will also cut the zucchini into cubes
And the green pepper could not be less. We remove the stem and seeds and cut it into squares. And finally, we only have to cut the broccoli.
Now it will be the turn of the seasonings of this recipe. We will take a medium bowl and add all the seasonings together. These are smoked bell pepper, thyme, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, oregano, salt, and white pepper powder. And we mix it with a spoon.
Now we will prepare two containers for the oven since the ingredients are going to be put separately.
On the one hand we will prepare a tray with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and spread it so that it does not stick to us.
Now we add the sweet potato and the carrot and add a part of the seasoning mixture that we have prepared previously. And we mix everything with our hands to distribute them well.
On the other hand, we prepare another tray with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and we spread it out as well.
And we add the rest of the vegetables to this tray. These are zucchini, green bell pepper, and broccoli.
We toss them the rest of the seasoning mixture that we have left over. And we also remove it with our hands to enjoy them well.
And we will only have to put it in the oven.
For this, the oven must be previously preheated to
We will put the tray with the sweet potato first for 10 minutes. And once that time has elapsed and without removing the sweet potato from the oven, we also put another tray with the vegetables for about 20 minutes. This is because the sweet potato takes longer to bake.